

Our CAME is a NPO which focuses on the support and advancement foreign students. In current Japan, these same-minded organizations are still limited in their numbers. For more detailed information regarding our association or consultation, please contact us.



Our CAME is a NPO which focuses on the support and advancement foreign students. In current Japan, these same-minded organizations are still limited in their numbers. For more detailed information regarding our association or consultation, please contact us.

Personal consultation

 We provide free individual consultation through ZOOM online app.
Consultation team members:

  • Consultant with 35 years of experience with workings of international exchange students
  • Board certified professors
  • Japanese teachers
Information Distribution

 We distribute informational support through our expert staff
We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on other support you may like to have! Please let us know so we may further our support for students and families in need!

Hear first hand experience  

・Graduate of Tsukuba University (Chinese and Vietnamese)
・Japanese American from the United States.

Articles regarding education 

・PhD in Japanese Language Education from Kyushu University
・Members of the Ministry of Education / Board of Education
・Information regarding international and overseas education

Support organization

Information about organization who focuses on supporting exchange,
international, and overseas students

Other Support

We have running vocabulary support with the goal of expanding our support products further in the future.
Our beta products have already been in use in the City of
Fukuoka with the cooperation of the Board of Education and our Yokohama branch.
With a positive result, the product will be in marketing at late January. Please contact us before the limited openings are full

Personal consultation

 We provide free individual consultation through ZOOM online app.
Consultation team members:

  • Consultant with 35 years of experience with workings of international exchange students
  • Board certified professors
  • Japanese teachers
Information Distribution

 We distribute informational support through our expert staff
We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on other support you may like to have! Please let us know so we may further our support for students and families in need!

Hear first hand experience  

・Graduate of Tsukuba University (Chinese and Vietnamese)
・Japanese American from the United States.

Articles regarding education 

・PhD in Japanese Language Education from Kyushu University
・Members of the Ministry of Education / Board of Education
・Information regarding international and overseas education

Support organization

Information about organization who focuses on supporting exchange,
international, and overseas students

Other Support

We have running vocabulary support with the goal of expanding our support products further in the future.
Our beta products have already been in use in the City of
Fukuoka with the cooperation of the Board of Education and our Yokohama branch.
With a positive result, the product will be in marketing at late January. Please contact us before the limited openings are full



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Topics of further interests
(Please select the choices of the following below)
Student name
Guardian name
Email address
Preferred language
